Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

Little Words with Big Hopes

Dear ce Yuki,

First of all, sorry for not contact you ASAP in your birthday. Honestly, I forgot that today is Oct, 14th, your special day. My bad, I’m not a good sister, am I? But believe me, my love for you will never less #eaaa. Udah setahun aja ya? Tahun lalu gimana cara adeq ucapin met ultah ya? Lupa. Hahahaha. Time flies so fast, right? It means udah setahunan juga cece ada di perantauan yah? Udah abis belum ‘suplemen’ nya? Kalo belum, adeq anggap cece udah bisa beradaptasi dengan baik disana, sudah bisa menjalani aktivitas dengan maksimal jadi ga butuh suplemen terlalu sering. Tidak semenakutkan yang dibayangkan sebelumnya, bukan? Hehehe.

one of our suplements :p
Ngomong-ngomong tentang suplemen, adeq ga nyangka kalau suplemennya bisa berguna juga buat adeq hahahaa. I think, that’s how God works on our life. Surprisingly. Now we can’t meet as much as we want. We can’t talk as often as usual, we have our daily business which need to be focused on, but it doesn’t make our quality of friendship being less. I thank God for that, and I thank God in every remembrance of you.

In your special day, I don’t make any gift for you, I don’t make any voice note for you, I just wrote this simple letter with simple words. I hope this simple things could make you smile whenever you read it, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, might be 12 years later when you re-open this blog. I hope in every new day, you’ll know God closer, have a bigger faith, give more love for others who need it, become wiser, and etc. So that someday when we meet, I can hear you tell your amazing story in God, I can hear you talk about how God providence you well, and in the end we can thankful Him more.

Last but not least,
Happy birthday, ce… Gbu Abundantly


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